How many trees are used to make toilet paper?
Toilet paper wipes out around 27,000 trees a day. One tree produces about 100 pounds (45 kg) of toilet paper.
Toilet paper wipes out around 27,000 trees a day. One tree produces about 100 pounds (45 kg) of toilet paper.
Dolphins give each other names and will answer even when called by dolphins they don’t know.
There are 3.1 million parts in a Boeing 767 provided by more than 800 suppliers.
A second is defined as being 9,192,631,770 times the time it takes for a caesium-133 atom to swap hyperfine levels in its …
In the US, Canada, Japan et. al. where ≈ 120 V mains is used, it takes more than 1½ minutes longer to boil …
The heaviest known kidney stone weighs 2.5 lbs or 1.12 kg and is the size of a coconut.
In ancient Egypt it took around 70 days to mummify a dead person.
A lake in the Philippines has an island in it. Which has a lake on it. Which has an island in it.
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This Wednesday 11/12/13* was the last date made up of three consecutive numbers until the year 2103.